
全世界有近6400万人患有心力衰竭(HF), a complex syndrome occurring when the heart cannot pump enough blood around the body.1,2 心衰显著影响患者的寿命和生活质量, 诊断后五年内的死亡率约为50%.3 是世界上导致残疾的主要原因之一, it requires innovative solutions to address the current challenges in HF management.4-6

澳门葡京网赌游戏, we believe we play a pivotal role in advancing the understanding of HF and driving better patient outcomes. 通过与世界各地的医疗保健系统合作,澳门葡京赌博游戏的目标是到2030年减少 心力衰竭相关 入院人数减少50%,过早死亡人数减少20%. 通过全球合作倡议, 澳门葡京赌博游戏的目标是减轻心衰患者的负担, 医疗保健系统和社会.


心衰是一种长期的急性疾病,随着时间的推移,心脏变得太弱或僵硬,无法泵出足够的血液来满足身体的需要,病情就会恶化, 导致身体和精神上的虚弱症状.1,4 心衰患者常出现呼吸短促, fatigue, 腿部肿胀, 睡眠障碍, 胸痛和抑郁.4,7 这些症状严重影响日常活动, resulting in compromised quality of life and high hospitalisation and mortality rates.4,8-10


除了心衰对患者的影响, 它还给医疗保健系统带来了沉重的经济负担. 全球范围内,心力衰竭的费用估计为346美元.17 billion, with projections indicating a staggering 127% increase in HF costs by 2030.11,12 住院治疗上, 负责高达87%的费用, 是心衰相关医疗费用的主要驱动因素.1


Studies have shown symptoms of HF can manifest up to five years before an official diagnosis, 影响超过40%*的患者.13 大约75%*的心衰病例不幸是在医院环境中发现的.14 但约46%**的心衰患者在急性护理机构诊断前曾向初级保健医生报告过症状.15

The consequences of delayed HF diagnosis can lead to significantly poor clinical outcomes. 在诊断时,延迟检测常常导致更严重的心衰, hindering access to preventive medications and leading to an increase in cardiovascular events and hospitalisations.16

Despite advancements in HF treatment and prevention, morbidity and mortality rates remain high. Within just one year of an HF diagnosis, 24-33% of patients die from the condition.5 Despite its prevalence and impact, however, public awareness of HF remains relatively low.1,17


心衰的病因和受影响的心脏区域各不相同, but a person is at increased risk if they have a history of coronary artery disease, 心脏病发作, 慢性肾病(CKD), 糖尿病或高血压.18-20

生活方式也会增加心衰的风险, 特别是对于那些有既存状况的人. 这些行为包括吸烟, 吃高脂肪的食物, 胆固醇, 和钠, 缺乏身体活动.21,22


Early detection of HF plays a crucial role in preventing poor clinical and patient outcomes.21 Timely diagnosis allows for early intervention and access to appropriate treatments, 哪些可以减缓疾病的进展,提高生活质量.4,21 医疗指南和指南导向的医疗疗法(GDMT)是解决方案的重要组成部分,因为它们有助于为临床医生提供以患者为中心的建议,以诊断和管理患者.22

对于心衰护理团队, 医学指南包括欧洲心脏病学会(ESC)急性和慢性心力衰竭诊断和治疗指南和美国心脏病学会/美国心脏协会/美国心力衰竭学会心力衰竭管理指南.3,22 这些指南对不同类型的心衰提供了见解, 治疗疾病的方法, 以及早期诊断和干预的建议.2,22

延迟诊断, however, 在诊断时是否会导致更严重的心衰, 这使得有效管理病情变得具有挑战性.17 较晚获得预防性保健和干预措施也可能导致错过处理风险因素和实施预防心衰恶化措施的机会.17 这强调了及时筛查和诊断的重要性,以确保患者尽早获得必要的护理和支持.2,17

合并症的存在增加了心衰治疗的复杂性. Many HF patients have other concurrent medical conditions such as high blood pressure, 糖尿病或慢性肾病.2,24,25 These comorbidities can further impact the clinical outcomes and treatment approaches for HF patients. 在为心衰患者制定综合管理计划时,医疗保健提供者考虑这些附加条件是至关重要的. 通过利用指南和GDMT来解决HF和合并症, healthcare professionals can optimise treatment strategies and improve patient outcomes.2,22


澳门葡京赌博游戏认为自己是心衰医疗保健的核心部分,并与心血管社区合作,改变心衰护理的交付. By 2030, our ambitious goal is to reduce HF mortality rates by 20% and HF-related hospitalisations by 50%. 澳门葡京赌博游戏的目标是将指南导向药物治疗(GDMT)的使用率从2020年的不到5%提高到2025年的35%.

为了实现这一目标, 澳门葡京赌博游戏启动了心衰共同加速变革(ACT)计划,以推动整个医疗保健生态系统的心衰全面变革. 高频通ACT, we aim to elevate HF as a healthcare priority and highlight the development of national strategies. We’re also working to support healthcare providers (HCPs) to enhance prevention and diagnosis capabilities, and partner with them to improve HF management and ensure all HF patients receive optimal and integrated care.

Increasing awareness and education on HF and GDMT are particularly important components of ACT on HF, as early detection and intervention can help patients receive optimal guideline-directed care.23 自2020年在HF上启动ACT以来, 据澳门葡京赌博游戏估计,澳门葡京赌博游戏已经为提高8000多万人的心衰意识做出了贡献,并为400多人提供了支持,000名医护人员接受心衰教育.


To drive change in HF, we are working together with global, regional and local partners. 通过澳门葡京赌博游戏的共同努力, 澳门葡京赌博游戏的目标是实施创新方法, 利用最新技术, 并采取大规模行动,提高早期诊断率,改善全球HF患者的生活.

We are committed to expanding understanding around HF and have generated real-world evidence on:




除了疾病意识, we prioritise patient empowerment and help amplify their voices through publications in peer-reviewed journals. 作为澳门葡京赌博游戏HF行动计划的一部分, 澳门葡京赌博游戏支持一篇与心脏病专家共同撰写的文章,鼓励HCPs与心衰患者之间更密切的合作,以突出心衰患者的挑战和机遇.26

通过澳门葡京赌博游戏的合作, we actively support initiatives that encourage individuals living with HF to self-manage their care. 这些举措包括为患者提供资源, 有效管理其健康所需的工具和教育材料,包括将其与ESC患者自我管理心衰指南等材料联系起来.27

每天,澳门葡京赌博游戏的团队都在努力为患者赋权. 无论是加强自我保健实践还是坚持治疗, our goal remains improving the overall wellbeing of people living with heart failure. 通过与医疗保健提供者合作, 患者和患者群体, 澳门葡京赌博游戏可以提高公众对心力衰竭的认识和理解, 推动教育活动,营造有利的环境.

埃尔玛Malvolti 澳门葡京网赌游戏全球医疗保健变革项目医疗主管


Addressing any public health problem requires partnering with global, regional and national leaders. 通过与政策制定者合作, we can raise awareness about the consequences of HF and drive change and innovation at multiple levels. 澳门葡京赌博游戏将继续支持支持心衰患者的健康政策的可持续变化,因为这需要整个社区的努力, 包括政策制定者, 实施真正的改变.

Paula Pohja-Hutchison 全球政策高级总监 & 宣传、澳门葡京网赌游戏

通过共同努力, we can make a profound difference and forge a future with improved HF outcomes for all. The complexities of HF require the entire cardiovascular community to transform HF management and care.  澳门葡京赌博游戏坚定不移地致力于改变心衰,为全世界的患者实现可持续的改变.




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